April 26, 2008

*ahem* A Po-em.

Jane sits at home and glues her eyes
To the screen when she decides
That she's off to the internet shop.

She navigates her mouse
and leaves her house
Without ever getting up from her chair.
(but leaving Jack in utter despair)

She'll stay and spend without an end
Exclaiming "free shipping!"
but not once quitting
until she claims her prize

For weeks on end Jane sits and waits,
bidding and winning (and gaining some weight)
Until her packages start to arrive.
"oh boy" she says, and off she hops
Back to her chair and the internet shops.

La Garconne for her "petit francophone",
then net-a-porter for Jaqueline Dey.
Some Esty for Betsy
Ebay for Faye,
and a special order (from favourite fodder)
For Janey it's done in a day.

She'd addicted you see,
in every which way,
And we cannot forsee the end.
Jane, we're afraid, will fall once again,
a victim of the internet shop.

The end.

unless I did something wrong, the images should link back to their sources

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