January 19, 2009

Very Appropriate For 20cm of Snow

Very eventful weekend.  Started with a 24hr massive blackout (in the middle of a cold snap. -20 degrees C.  Wonderful) with no heat or electricity or computer.  Then running around doing errands, collecting transcripts, paying for said transcripts and sitting in a library for 5 hours reading and selecting plays.

Sounds so familiar.  I might as well be wearing one of these:

images collected from jak&jill and superfantasticpicturetime.

And this I found through The Foxy Man.  With accompanying appreciation for the origin of all those highly stylized sexual fetishism-inspired editorials and spreads you see popping up here and there.  I'm sure had it not been for the magazine that this and other images like it come from, this shirt would not exist.

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