October 03, 2008

Tryin' the Blingin' on the Wristin'


This was my wrist today.  The rest was not particularly noteworthy soooo I focused on my wrist (also making the "outifit post" a bajillion times easier).

Comments included: a joke about selling fake rolexes, being on Toronto/London/Tokyo time, forgetting the time, being on time, e.t.c.  Not that it matters much anymore, I quite like this.  Next time I'm thinking of going smallest to largest face.  
Part of the comfort is from my love of cuffs.  Almost all of my bracelets are cuffs.  Silver, brass, cut out, solid, most (I'd say about 90% of my wrist jewelry?) are cuffs.  I like how protective they are.  I like that they climb up my arms, into my sleeves as if trying to give the impression that my arms are in fact made of metals.

Another positive - the watches over the sleeves made me stop stretching my sleeves over my hands (The equivalent of putting that gross tasting liquid on your fingernails to stop from chewing them).

Later: I found out who belongs to those shoes, apparently The Sartorialist liked them too:


Anonymous said...

A good thing about watch over sleeve is you don't have to pull it back to see the time.

loveology said...

Amazing blog you have, dear!

Mila :)